Edinburgh - Edinburgh School of English

Edinburgh (ca. 500’000 Einwohner), die Landeshauptstadt Schottlands, ist eine Weltstadt im Taschenformat. Die Altstadt lädt zum Flanieren und Eintauchen in Geschichte und Legenden ein. Grossartig ist auch die Umgebung mit den milden Hügeln der Lowlands im Süden und die wilden Highlands im Norden.


Alter: 13 - 17 Jahre
Kursdaten 30.06.-27.07.2024
Niveaus: A0 - C1
Kapazität: 200 Plätze
Klassengrösse: max. 8 Personen
Lektionen: 20 à 60 Minuten/Woche
Kursdauer: 1 - 4 Wochen
Unterkunft: Gastfamilien


1 Woche GBP 1'975
2 Wochen GBP 3'950
3 Wochen GBP 5'925
4 Wochen GBP 7'900

Im Preis inbegriffen: Kurskosten, Schulmaterial, Unterkunft in Gastfamilie (Zweibettzimmer) mit Vollpension, Aktivitäten, Ausflüge, Einschreibegebühr


Nicht inbegriffen: Transfer retour (GBP 200), Bearbeitungsgebühr (CHF 80), Reise


Die schottische Hauptstadt zieht jeden Besucher in ihren Bann. Hinter den Gemäuern der Gebäude in der Altstadt steckt viel Geschichte, die fasziniert. Edinburgh ist umgeben von toller Natur. Die Stadt liegt zum einen am Meer, aber auch der Arthur's Seat (Hausberg vulkanischen Ursprungs) ist eine Wanderung wert. Von da hat man einen tollen Ausblick über die Dächer der Stadt. Die Royal Mile, die Hauptstrasse der Altstadt, führt von der königlichen Residenz Holyrood Palace hinauf zum Edinburgh Castle.


Die Jugendkurse der Edinburgh School of English finden in der Regel im Nebengebäude der Schule statt.


Am Ende des Kurses erhält jede/r Teilnehmende ein Zertifikat.


Aktivitäten finden sowohl am Nachmittag wie auch am Abend statt. Am Samstag wird zudem ein Tagesausflug organisiert.


Beispiele: Edinburgh Castle, Zoo, Schwimmen, Tennis, Loch Lomond, Glasgow, St.Andrews & Falkland Palace, etc.

Dieser Stundenplan gilt als Beispiel. Änderungen vorbehalten.


Die Teilnehmenden wohnen bei ausgewählten Gastfamilien. Unterbringung in Zweibettzimmern mit Vollpension (Einzelzimmer nach Verfügbarkeit).


Es wird empfohlen, einen Transfer vom/zum Flughafen zu buchen. 



Jonas K. verbrachte im Sommer 2017 einen Jugendsprachaufenthalt in Edinburgh. Lese hier, was er während den 4 Wochen so erlebt hat - natürlich auf Englisch:


Hi, my name is Jonas. I am fifteen years old and I live in Switzerland.


One year ago I came up with the idea to do a language course because my interest in English had been growing and I found the ability to speak several languages was going to be very useful in the future. I began to look for a suitable course for teens, and indeed I found many.


I decided to go to the E.S.E. in Edinburgh because I found the cultural city rather interesting. Also I liked the programme of the school and additionally I am a big fan of Harry Potter.
So in summer 2017 I went to Edinburgh in order to improve my English and experience things. I was very warmly welcomed in Pollock Halls (a Hall of Residence) so the start was quite good and easy for me.


In the following four weeks I experienced loads of things. I went to school, to Arthur's Seat, to Edinburgh Castle. Every Saturday, we did a long journey to the surrounding cities and villages of Edinburgh. Twice we had a disco, which was extremly fun. We had ceilidh lessons and ever Friday afternoon we had time for shopping and doing something with our new friends.


In school, we had classes with very friendly and good teachers. The cantine food was quite good and carefully considered. I was very pleased that the cantine had separated veggie meals from food with meat, because I am a vegetarian.


My current hobby was and is Speedcubing. No wonder I showed interested teachers and pupils how to solve the Rubik's Cube. They really enjoyed it and some were able to solve the Cube afterwards so I hope they are continuing to practise.


At the end of every week the teachers gave several special awards to pupils who had stood out in a positiv way. For example when they had been speaking English all the time even though there were other people who spoke the same language as they did. Personally, I found those awards a really good idea and I saw them as a challenge, so I was very pleased every time I got one.


The pupils were devided into four clans, such as in the Harry Potter novels. The clans competed every week in several activities. In every activity the clans had opportunities to get points. The clan with the most points after a week won and got a reward.


Naturally, sometimes it was very exhausting to have activities all the time. And sometimes it was a bit annoying when some people spoke in another language. Another fact was that your friends were coming and going. That was a bit unfortunate and sad.


All in all those four weeks were full of experience and fun. I became a bit braver to speak English and now I managed to get into a bilingual/immersion class at my grammar school in Switzerland. So my thesis is going to be in English.


I recommend a language course in a foreign country to everyone who is really interested in it and who wants to gain loads of experience.